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International Church Reform Groups Seek Meeting with Pope Francis



International Church Reform Groups Seek Meeting with Pope Francis

Groups Send Letter Urging Increase in Women’s Leadership, Access to Communion


Contact:  Anthony Padovano, 973-539-8732

                 Linda Pinto, 570-296-5326


                As the first anniversary of Pope Francis’ election approaches, leaders of 52 organizations from the United States, Europe, and Asia working towards renewal and reform in the Catholic Church have sent a letter to the Pope. They are urging him to take immediate steps to appoint more women to Church leadership positions, and to stop the practice of banning people from Communion. They have also asked the pontiff to meet with them, saying they represent “millions of Catholics around the world who are deeply committed to our Church, but hope for changes on issues of governance and care.”

Read more: International Church Reform Groups Seek Meeting with Pope Francis

Press Release re UN committee report



The recent statement against the Vatican of the Committee for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child confirms, with the authority of the structure of the United Nations, what has been known for some time and which victims of sexual abuses have denounced for years.


The International Movement We Are Church (IMWAC) has been part of the international mobilization on this very serious issue and share the position of the Committee, concerning how the Vatican has dealt, in the majority of cases, with the issue of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church. The attempts to minimize the responsibility of too many Church leaders are at odds with reality; reports and judgments from different countries now make this very clear.


We know that the responsibility for this situation is not individual priests or bishops only, but goes back to the central structures of the Church. The Vatican had the serious responsibility of having tried to wash the dirty linen at home, and in this way it was washed very badly or not at all, and certainly too late.


Pope Francis needs to be uncompromising and to take action very quickly. The decision to establish an ad hoc committee is completely inadequate. There is a need for a directive, which should impose to the Bishops' Conferences in the different countries obligations of transparency and publicity.  Church authorities should be obliged to accept, request and support the prosecution of the alleged perpetrators by the judiciary.


These obligations were, and are still, stubbornly refused by the CEI, the Italian Bishops Conference, as confirmed in the recent meeting of its Permanent Council, despite that pedophilia crimes have been committed by the clergy in Italy not less than in other countries.


As believers in the gospel and members of this Church we are deeply saddened by this situation, which makes us suffer and for which we pray.

* * *

 Comunicato stampa Roma Noi Siamo Chiesa - Italia

 Press Release We are Church - Ireland

 Pressemitteilung Wir sind Kirche - Deutschland

 Pressemitteilung Plattform Wir sind Kirche - Österreich


Media contact:
Christian Weisner, Tel: +49-172-5184082, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Homepage: www.we-are-church.org/


The International Movement We Are Church, founded in Rome in 1996, is represented in more than twenty countries on all continents and is networking world-wide with similar-minded reform groups. We Are Church is an international movement within the Roman-Catholic Church and aims at renewal on the basis of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). We Are Church was started in Austria in 1995 with a church referendum.

Österreichs Bischöfe berichten dem Pontifex über die Situation der heimischen Kirche

Wenn die österreichischen Bischöfe heute, Montag, zum Ad-limina-Besuch beim katholischen Kirchenoberhaupt eintreffen, sind die Ergebnisse von Tausenden Einzelbefragungen mit im Gepäck. Das sind die Rückmeldungen der Gläubigen auf den vatikanischen Fragenbogen. Mehr als 34.000 heimische Katholiken beteiligten sich an der päpstlichen Umfrage zu Ehe und Familie. Die Fragebögen werden dem Generalsekretariat der Bischofssynode übergeben, das die Synode zur Familie vorbereitet. Nach dem Pontifikatswechsel sind die Erwartungen an eine grundlegende Kirchenreform groß.

 mehr ...


Bocciati i ruiniani, molti cardinali dalla “fine del mondo”. Capovilla cardinale

12 gennaio 2014 



I nuovi cardinali di papa Francesco: molti vengono “dalla fine del mondo”, Bassetti è cardinale mentre sono fuori i ruiniani Nosiglia, Moraglia e Fisichella. La porpora a Loris Capovilla è un sicuro messaggio di fedeltà al Concilio


Il portavoce nazionale di “Noi Siamo Chiesa” Vittorio Bellavite ha rilasciato la seguente dichiarazione:

“Non è facile capire il significato delle nomine dei diciannove nuovi cardinali, sedici a pieno titolo e tre ultraottantenni. Bisognerebbe conoscere di ognuno di essi la pratica pastorale e l’impegno effettivo per una Chiesa povera e a favore della pace fondata sulla giustizia sociale.

Read more: Bocciati i ruiniani, molti cardinali dalla “fine del mondo”. Capovilla cardinale

Francis— the exhaustion of a lonely pope


by Marco Politi | 7 December 2013

English Translation by Anne Goodrich Heck


A touch of dizziness, a meeting missed, a sharp comment on the choices made by the new pontiff. Last Wednesday, in just a few hours, an alarm bell went off for Pope Bergoglio. After the general audience in St. Peter's Square - the temperature was cold - Francis felt dizzy and this minor ailment forced him to leave at once and go rest, giving up a meeting with Cardinal Angelo Scola, who had come specially from Milan to talk about a future visit to the Expo. This is no small matter. Scola was his main opponent at the conclave, not for personal reasons of course, but as the proponent of a different platform. Scola is still one of the most influential among the Italian bishops, and a good relationship with him is crucial to guide the CEI (Italian Bishops Conference) on the kind of reform the pope has in mind.


In fact Francis is working too hard. At the age of 76 and with responsibility for an organization of over a billion one hundred million adherents, the Argentine pope did not take a moment of vacation this summer. Unlike John Paul II he does not take restorative small "flights" into nature, and unlike Benedict XVI he does not allow himself a regular, daily hour's walk in the Vatican gardens. He told the young people of St. Cyril's parish in Rome last Sunday that he takes only a half hour nap after lunch and then "goes back to work again until evening." Francis demands too much of himself.


There is a reason for this. Bergoglio feels that he does not have much time – probably ten years or so before he himself decides to hand over his position. And ten years in the history of the Church is quite a short time. In the midst of the flood of praise and applause that surrounds him, the Argentine pope is alone, very alone. If the task were limited to the program that many cardinals expected of him, there would be no problem. Reorganizing the IOR (Vatican Bank) and streamlining the Curia are technical issues not difficult to achieve. Consulting more often with the bishops - as was asked of the future Pope during the general meetings prior to the conclave - could be achieved with more frequent plenary meetings, with a precise agenda, of the College of Cardinals.


But Francis is doing much more than many of those who voted for him could imagine (as happened also with John XXIII). He wants to remodel the Curia from the ground up, reorganize the Synod of Bishops, shape a new approach to sexual issues, spur the clergy to abandon bureaucratic and self-referential attitudes, change the style of episcopal power, put women into governing positions, and give new impetus to the fight against child sexual abuse by setting up a new commission (announced yesterday) to protect victims and give instructions to bishops' conferences.


There is one question hovering over the Apostolic Palace: Who is supporting Francis? What forces can he count on? The answer is that there is no "party" or active "movement" among the pro - Francis clergy and bishops. A bulky apparatus like that of the church –  thousands of bishops, hundreds of thousands of priests and religious, a network of centers of power, both large and small – cannot be reformed without a robust group of loyal and engaged followers. In the curia there in still no Team Bergoglio. The new Secretary of State, Msgr. Parolin, is the right man (especially because of his strong priestly character) to work with Bergoglio, but the majority of the offices of the curia are provisional. Up to now, in the curial departments and in the world-wide episcopacy, there is no firm bloc of cardinals, bishops and priests ready to fight for his reforms, like the champions of the Gregorian reform of the Middle Ages or of the shift in direction made at the Council of Trent. The national bishops conferences are inert. Too many pay only passive attention to what Francis says and does. Many conservatives wait in silence for him to make a blunder. The bureaucracies of large organizations know how to bounce back.


In this atmosphere, the statements of Msgr. Gaenswein, Ratzinger's secretary, in the German weekly Die Zeit, are worrisome. The magazine reported, without quoting him directly, that Benedict's right-hand man  felt that Francesco's decision not to live in the papal apartments was an "affront." Moreover, while recognizing that the pope is only one man, Gaenswein sadly exclaims, word for word: "Every day we wonder what new thing will be different (from before)." A rejection of a new course rather than an encouragement. Francis is alone, even if the hearts  of the faithful beat for him.


Il Fatto Quotidiano, 6 dicembre 2013