We Are Church Intl.

main site thursday /friday

We celebrate!

WAC members from 8 countries meeting in Rome plus 6 other countries linked in by ZOOM

Monday and Tuesday

Early arrivals for the celebrations have been out and about in Rome visiting various historic locations including the Colosseum and the Vatican Museum

Tuesday afternoon

Gert, We Are Church Austria, and Colm, Chairperson of We Are Church International await refreshment after their explorations, undaunted by the rain

Wednesday - 27 October 2021

Catacomb of St Domitilla

In 1965, at the end of Vatican II, Bishops gathered in the St Domitilla chapel to sign the Alliance of the Catacombs pledging Evangelical Poverty.  Pope Francis and bishops affirmed this in 2015

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We Are Church prays 

Heute in der Domitilla Katakombe. Familie Gams gestaltet eine Andacht zum Thema Gerechtigkeit. Gotlind erzählt vom katakombenpakt.

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Visit to St Maria Maggiore.

Santa Maria Maggiore is proclaimed by most scholars as the second most beautiful church in Rome. Only St. Peter’s Basilica itself is said to be more grandiose. One of the four major basilicas in Rome, it was the first church to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary and possesses a rich history. Pope Sixtus III built the present church in 431 AD to honor Mary, 

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Proclaiming that the Church
is the whole People of God

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All Called and Gifted

We Are Church raises awareness of the things that need to change in the Church.
Priorities this week are

  • Democratic structures in the Church
  • Inclusion of all in decision making
  • An end to clericalism in all forms
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We stand together for justice

Visit to​ the Basilica of St Praxedes

An early medieval titular church and minor basilica near St Maria Maggiore
The church incorporates mosaic decoration that marks it among the oldest churches in Rome.

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Significant women in the Church

Mosaics show St Praxides as a close worker with St Paul, and St Pudentia as a close worker with St Peter.   They were murdered for arranging burial for early Christian martyrs.
Also present is a mosaic of Episcopa Theodora, mother of Pope Paschal I.  It is debated whether she was an actual bishop or the wife of a bishop.

thursday /friday main site