We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

Message of Solidarity to LCWR (USA)


[German] [French] [Portuguese] [Italian]


‘The International Movement We are Church wishes to express its solidarity with your sisters as you continue to negotiate with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith and Archbishop Sartain over the issues arising from the Doctrinal Assessment .


We take heart from the  positive comments of Cardinal Kasper and his emphasis that  dialogue not condemnation  is the  Christian way to overcome all difficulties.


 The work of the LCWR is an invaluable contribution to the life of the American Church and indeed to  the universal Church which takes great heart from your patient and courageous negotiations with the CDF .


The theological concept and the pastoral approach of the CDF has to be redefined according to the teachings of  the Second Vatican Council and of the guidelines Pope Francis has given so far.


We offer you all our prayerful support.  Rest assured that the Spirit of our God is as active today in our midst and yours as on the day of Pentecost.’

Response from LWCR (10 May 2014)


Dear Friends


Thank you for this very strong expression of support. Please continue to pray for us that what will emerge from these conversations will be healing and strengthening for the Church.




for LWCR