We Are Church Intl.

We Are Church calls for prayers for Pope Francis

We Are Church International wishes Pope Francis a speedy and full recovery.

We Are Church International calls for prayers for Pope Francis, so that he may, with the incredible energy that he has shown in the last twelve years and with his charisma, be able to renew the Roman Catholic Church for as long as possible.

In the twelve years of his pontificate so far, Pope Francis has made some significant reforms especially in the Vatican, despite a lot of resistance. But there is still a lot to be done.

"We are all ONE Sacred Community, of equals sharing Life in Christ. 
We desire that this equality be a hallmark of our Church."  
Comment on the Petition for Equality by Lisa from Goa

Five Goals of We Are Church​ International

Out of love and concern for our Church


Full equality 
for all 

Free choice 
between a celibate and non-celibate lifestyle

Positive evaluation of sexuality 

Good news 
instead of a threatening message

Sign the Petition for Equality

Sing, Companions, Sing

"the state of having equal rights, 
opportunities, and treatment. 
It also means being supported to reach your potential."

St Paul taught​ (48AD):

 "There is neither Jew nor Greek,
slave nor free, male nor female,
for you are all one in Christ Jesus"   

Letter to the Galatians 3:28

So why can't everyone rejoice in their full potential in the Catholic Church?

Companions from Austria, Germany, Scotland and Ireland 
proclaim the Five Goals in Rome

Read the Five Goals text here Sign the Petition

Inspired by the faith and courage of many who went before us, 
we have been asking the Sacred Pastors to listen and act for 30 years on:  

1. Shared Decision Making

People without ordination must be equally represented at all levels and have a say in decision-making through appropriate democratic structures.

2. Full equality for all genders

The church needs the wealth of skills and vocations of women and non-binary people. This applies to all leadership positions.

3. Free choice between a celibate and non-celibate lifestyle

The link between the ordained ministry and celibacy is not biblically binding, but has grown historically and can therefore be changed.

4. Positive evaluation of sexuality

The responsible decision of conscience in questions of sexual morality (e.g. conception regulation and sexual identity and orientation) must be recognised.

5. Good news instead of a threatening message

Our Christian message prioritises helping and encouraging support and solidarity over fear-inducing and restrictive norms!

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