We Are Church Intl.

We Are Church and Friends Walk with the Synod

We Are Church proclaims a community of equals where "there is  neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28).

This is our journey with our many friends into the Synod on Synodality.

In Prague, during the European Continental Meeting, Colm Holmes spoke about the aspirations of We Are Church for the Synods in 2023 and 2024

We Are Church plan to participate in this while we are in Rom​e


3rd October 2024 at 13.00 CEST
via Zoom


Philomena Mwaura

CWC Catholic Women’s Council


Kevin Liston

ACCCR Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform


Kate McElwee

Women’s Ordination Conference


Lula Ramires

Group for Pastoral Action on Diversity


Virginia Saldanha

CWC Catholic Women’s Council


Martin Schockenhoff

WAC We Are Church 


In the first week of October the Young CWC Group will be in Rome for the start of the synodal conference. We will host our own event on the 3rd of October. We  aim to create a Sanctuary or Temple of Listening, an immersive space to listen, pray with, and be transformed by the testimonies of women in the church. Inspired by the biblical call used by synod architects to “enlarge the space of your tent,” we will create a “tent-like” space to present women’s stories

Junia (and Andronicus)
Women of the Roman Church (Priscilla, Mary, Junia, Tryphaena and Tryphosa, Persis and Rufus' mother)
Samaritan Woman
Mary of Magdala

Catholic Women's Council

03 Oct 2024, 13:30 – 21:00 CEST


This October, FutureChurch will be traveling to the Synod to continue our advocacy to expand the Lectionary to include Mary Magdalene and some 30 other biblical women on Sundays.

While in Rome we will:

  • Deliver our open letter asking that all of John 20:1-18 be proclaimed on Easter Sunday to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
  • Host a Mary Magdalene celebration in honor of all women hidden by the lectionary
  • Bring the art of Mary Magdalene of scripture to Synod delegates and the people of Rome through prayer cards, postcards, banners
  • Engage in direct service with vulnerable women and members of the LGBTQ+ community
  • Collaborate with friends and partners in the church reform movement

On Friday, October 4th we will walk with our international partners toward the synod hall with the message: 
“Why not me?”, inspired by the Comite de la Jupe. 
We invite you to join us in the global action through local witnesses, social media, and prayer. Please fill out this form for more information.

International meeting of We Are Church

11 to 14 October 2024
  (Representatives of 20 countries 
will meet in Rome and online)
at Casa Maria Immacolata
Via Enzio 28
Prati, Roma 00192


Saturday, 11th October 2024

We hope the sun will shine while we stroll to the Synod Hall for informal meetings with delegates. 


First performed thirty years ago in the wake of Ordination Sacerdotalis this comedy imagines a Church where authority and governance is exclusively female.  Two men, advocating equality, plead for ordination.

Performance in English:
Saturday, 12 October 2024
15:00 - Casa Maria Immacolata 


Annett_Klingner / Pixabay


We Are Church will be in St Peter's Square to join with Pope Francis in praying the Angelus

Noon, Sunday 13 October 2024

Our Five Goals

We have updated our Five Goals for reform in the Church and will be filming their proclamation in various locations in Rome

Sunday 13 October 2024
set off from Casa Immacolata
at 13:00


Roman Catholic Women Priests

ARCWP will ordain Presbyters and Deacons from Spain, France and U.S. in Historic Ordination in Rome on October 17, 2024 to foster Gender Equality in Ordained Ministry in a Church for Everyone

17 October 2024

Learn more

In Rome 2023

We Are Church and friends were in Rome during the 2023 session of the Synod.   


Continental Meetings
February 2023

We Are Church was pleased to be represented at many continental meetings.  Here we present our presence in Prague


Helene Jeppesen-Spuhler

Helena is a Voting participant from Switzerland in the Synod 2023 & 2024.  She kindly shared her experience of the Synod on Synodality with We Are Church and friends and answered questions afterwards. 

Report from the evening