We Are Church Intl.


Theologin Anne Soupa - Erzbischof von Lyon?

Why am I a candidate for the position of Archbishop of Lyon?

[ German ]  [French original

  • Noting that in 2020 in the Catholic Church no woman leads even one diocese, not one woman is a priest, no woman is a deacon, no woman has a vote regarding decisions at a synod,
  • Considering that the exclusion of half of humanity is not only contrary to the message of Jesus Christ, but damages the Church, leaving the institution prone to abuse,
  • Considering that I am not an unknown person, nor a corridor apparatchik, but I have been active in my Church for 35 years, in the field, as a Bible scholar, theologian, journalist, author, President for 8 years of the Conférence des Baptisé-e-s, and the current President of the Comité de la Jupe.
  • Everything authorises me to say that I am capable of applying for the title of Bishop, everything makes me legitimate. But everything forbids it to me.
  • If my candidature is forbidden by Canon Law, it is simply because I am a woman, that women cannot be priests and only priests when they are appointed as bishops, govern the Catholic Church.

[Translation of the French original]

Warum bin ich ein Kandidat für das Amt des Erzbischofs von Lyon?

  • Wenn man bedenkt, dass im Jahr 2020 in der katholischen Kirche keine Frau auch nur eine Diözese leitet, keine Frau Priesterin, keine Frau Diakonin ist und keine Frau eine Stimme bei Entscheidungen auf einer Synode hat,
  • In der Erwägung, dass der Ausschluss der Hälfte der Menschheit nicht nur der Botschaft Jesu Christi widerspricht, sondern der Kirche schadet und die Institution anfällig für Missbrauch macht,
  • Wenn man bedenkt, dass ich weder ein Unbekannter noch ein Korridor-Apparatschik bin, sondern dass ich seit 35 Jahren in meiner Kirche auf diesem Gebiet tätig bin, als Bibelwissenschaftler, Theologe, Journalist, Autor, seit 8 Jahren Präsident der Conférence des Baptisé-e-s und derzeitiger Präsident des Comité de la Jupe.
  • Alles berechtigt mich zu sagen, dass ich in der Lage bin, mich um den Bischofstitel zu bewerben, alles macht mich legitim. Aber alles verbietet es mir.
  • Wenn meine Kandidatur durch das Kirchenrecht verboten ist, dann nur deshalb, weil ich eine Frau bin, dass Frauen keine Priester-innen sein können und nur Priester, wenn sie zu Bischöfen ernannt werden, die katholische Kirche regieren.

CCBF Press release February 17 2020

CCBF Press release February 17 2020

Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation “Dear Amazon”

The CCBF takes note of the encouragement contained in this apostolic exhortation for Catholics. It invites them to be inventive in matters of ministries, celebrations and rites, in conformity with the genius of Christianity, so that they feel fully responsible for the proclamation of the Gospel, without waiting for approval from the hierarchy.

The apostolic exhortation "Dear Amazon" which has just appeared refocuses on the Amazonian question which it explores in all its dimensions, economic, political, ecological, cultural and ecclesial. In doing so, it ignores, without approving or canceling them, the proposals of the bishops assembled in synod who had, by a large majority, pronounced in favor of the ordination of married men, to alleviate not only the shortage of priests, the dispersion of communities, but also their cultural differences, in particular linguistic ones. Some hoped for a decision from the Magisterium for a free choice of ministers ordained between celibacy and marriage.

But one cannot at the same time be disappointed that the pope does not make a decision on the ministries and at the same time ask that it is the people who propose the changes. One cannot at the same time aspire to a synodal structure and wait for the current organization to decide to establish it. Apart from his prophetic mission, Pope Francis is sensitive to his symbolic position as guarantor of the unity of a Catholic Church, currently threatened by the temptation of a schism.

The CCBF considers that the apostolic exhortation encourages all the people of God to invent in matters of ministries, celebrations and rites, in conformity with the genius of Christianity, and so that they feel completely responsible for the announcement of the 'Gospel, without waiting for approval from the hierarchy. A Synodal Church will result from a state of affairs by avoiding confrontation in matters of discipline.

As François says, we must "overcome limited perspectives to seek broader and more daring paths". Well, let's go!

The Conference of the Baptized

The CCBF is a network of people and associations in 1901 that brings together open-minded Christians. At the center of this network, an association (the Diaconia for the baptized) manages common services and pools experiences. The network promotes a real public opinion in the Church and contributes by taking positions and services - celebrations, readings followed by gospels, formation, conferences, discussion forum, etc. - to put themselves in the wake of the Synodal church advocated by Pope Francis. 


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CCBF Communiqué de presse – 17 février 2020

L’exhortation apostolique du pape François “Chère Amazonie”

[ English ]

La CCBF prend acte de l’encouragement que contient cette exhortation apostolique pour les catholiques. Elle les invite à être inventifs en matière de ministères, de célébrations et de rites, dans la conformité au génie du christianisme, afin qu’ils se sentent totalement responsables de l’annonce de l’Évangile, sans attendre une approbation de la hiérarchie.

L’exhortation apostolique « Chère Amazonie » qui vient de paraître se recentre sur la question amazonienne qu’elle explore dans toutes ses dimensions, économique, politique, écologique, culturelle et ecclésiale. Ce faisant, elle ignore, sans les approuver ni les annuler, les propositions des évêques réunis en synode qui s’étaient, à une large majorité, prononcés en faveur de l’ordination d’hommes mariés, pour pallier non seulement la pénurie de prêtres, la dispersion des communautés mais aussi leurs différences culturelles, en particulier linguistiques. Certains en espéraient une décision du Magistère pour un libre choix des ministres ordonnés entre célibat et mariage.

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Support for the Indian nun Lucy Kalappura


NSAE (Nous sommes aussi l’Église - We also are Church) has been informed of very disturbing news from India, concerning rape cases of nuns.

In early 2018, Bishop Franco Mulakkal, Bishop of Jalandhar, was accused by a Missionary sister of Jesus of having raped her repeatedly between 2014 and 2016. The bishop always denied it, under the well-known argument that it would be a conspiracy against the Church. For several months no one paid attention to the nun's complaint. But in September 2018, five of her sisters organized a sit-in to support her, with the participation of several nuns from different congregations and members of laity.

They were asking for the bishop's arrest, which they finally got : he was charged with rape and released on bail.

One of the sisters who supported her, Sr Lucy Kalappura, belonging to another congregation, the Franciscan Clarist Congregation, is currently the subject of vexations and sanctions, and has just been expelled from her community. Such a decision is extremely serious, as it denies the commitment a nun has made for the entire life, and that she intends to continue to assume. These sanctions are directly linked to her support for the raped sister. Sr. Lucy is known for her effective involvement with the poor and vulnerable people.

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