We Are Church Intl.

Synod on the Family

Council for the Synod appreciates family responses


The Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops met on 24 and 25 February to discuss the results of the enquiry opened in November 2013 with the distribution of a questionnaire on themes relating to the family to episcopal conferences around the world. There has been a very high percentage of responses, and observations from individuals and groups from all over the world have been added.


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„Die Rede von Kardinal Kasper muss veröffentlicht werden! Intransparenz in der Vorbereitung gefährdet die Familien-Synode.“


Die KirchenVolksBewegung Wir sind Kirche hält es für dringend erforderlich, dass die Rede von Kardinal Walter Kasper vor dem Kardinalskollegium über das Thema Familie umgehend und ungekürzt veröffentlicht wird. Andernfalls wird der bis jetzt positive Vorbereitungsprozess für die Außerordentliche Bischofs-Synode über die Familienpastoral (kurz: Familien-Synode) im Oktober 2014 stark gefährdet. 

Papst Franziskus hat die Ausführungen des deutschen Kardinals Kasper als „profunde Theologie“ und „klares Denken“ im „sensus ecclesiae“ („kirchliche Gesinnung“ oder „Fühlen in der Kirche“) bezeichnet. Deshalb kann und darf es keine Gründe geben, die zweistündige Rede Kaspers am 20. Februar 2013 vor der Kardinalsversammlung den Bischöfen, den Theologen und Theologinnen sowie dem Kirchenvolk in aller Welt vorzuenthalten oder nur in ausgewählten Teilen durchsickern zu lassen. Ohne Zweifel ist Kardinal Kasper Herr seines eigenen Textes.




Demonstration For a Credible and Liberating Catholic Church in Switzerland



Kundgebung für eine glaubwürdige und befreiende katholische Kirche Schweiz


The Swiss Parish Initiative (Pfarrei-Initiative) and many grass-roots movement in the Swiss Catholic Church have called for a demonstration on the streets of St. Gallen to protest current Church practices that condemn many families and exclude them from important services and functions of the Church. The text below is a translation of the poster published on the website of the Parish Initiative. (http://pfarrei-initiative.ch/)


A brief background: (1) Swiss Bishop Huonder of the diocese of Chur (includes Zürich) is widely unpopular for his hard-hearted, exclusionary pastoral practices and his fundamentalist theology. More and more faithful are asking for is removal. (2) Switzerland has a unique legal framework that enforces certain representative structures in the Swiss Catholic Church. There is a church tax, for example, but instead of going directly to the bishop it goes to an independent regional board representing the tax payer which in turn forwards the money to the bishops or to other causes as it deems fit. [Translation by Bernie Aurin]


Demonstration For a Credible and Liberating Catholic Church in Switzerland


Sunday, March 9, 2014, 3 pm - 4.30 pm, St. Gallen


We meet in front of the railway station and march to Cloister Square.


It is enough!


We've had enough of exclusion, discrimination, feudalism and of systematically contesting the valuable legal structures that define the relations between church and state in Switzerland. We've had enough of bishops who discipline and of theology that is hard-hearted.


The time has come to stand together for a church that gives us joy, that is turned towards the people, that shows solidarity towards the poor, spreads hope and pays attention to that what is most essential. The time has come for the Swiss Bishops' Conference to take responsibility and - together with us - stand for a new leadership of the diocese Chur and for a Church with a future.


We invite all who share our concerns to join us and bring your banners on the first Sunday of Lent to St. Gallen, residence of the president of the Swiss Bishops' Conference.


Let us send a strong and encouraging message!


"Have courage! ... Open the doors ... I much prefer an active church that makes mistakes to a church that gets sick because she only revolves around herself." Pope Francis


Supporting Organizations:

Swiss Catholic Women's Association
Catholic Employee Movement
Tagsatzung - Association for a Credible Church at the Romerohaus, Lucerne
Jungwacht Blauring Youth Organization
Kolping Association
Theological Movement for Solidarity and Liberation
Committee "Not with us, Bishop Huonder!"
Swiss Grassroots-Movement
Herbert Haag Foundation for Freedom in the Church
People From Bündner Land For a Credible Church
Association of Pastoral Cargivers For the Youth
Association of Catholic Boy and Girl Scouts
Women's Church of Central Switzerland
Swiss Parish Initiative (Pfarrei-Initiative)
Appeal "Blessings instead of Bread"