We Are Church Intl.

Synod on the Family

Synod on family surveys: German, Swiss Catholics reject teachings on marriage, sexuality

Reports from bishops' conferences in Germany and Switzerland show a clear divergence between what the church teaches on marriage, sexuality and family life and what Catholics -- even those active in parish life -- personally believe.


The differences are seen "above all when it comes to pre-marital cohabitation, (the status of the) divorced and remarried, birth control and homosexuality," said the German bishops' report, posted Tuesday on their conference website in German, Italian and English. (Read the German bishops' report here.)


Read the NCR article

Catholic Survey Shows Deep Frustration within the Church - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Last week, Germany's Catholic bishops held a two-day conference in the Bavarian city of Würzburg for the purpose of compiling and analyzing the responses given by Hannah, Jonas and other Catholics from all 27 dioceses in Germany. Their conclusions are bound for Rome. The project has likely led to more churchgoers expressing their opinions than ever before in 2,000-year history of the church.


In the past, the church has turned to its bishops to assess the mood in the grassroots, but their reports often contained more pious desires and wishful thinking than facts.


Catholic Survey Shows Deep Frustration within the Church - SPIEGEL ONLINE http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/catholic-survey-shows-deep-frustration-within-the-church-a-946069.html

Wir sind Kirche-Auswertung: Umsetzung der Vatikan-Umfrage zur Familien-Synode 2014 in den deutschen Bistümern


Wir sind Kirche-Auswertung: Umsetzung der Vatikan-Umfrage zur Familien-Synode 2014 in den deutschen Bistümern
Wir sind Kirche-Stellungnahme (PDF 8 Seiten)
> tabellarische Zusammenfassung (PDF 1 Seite)>