We Are Church Intl.

Synod on the Family

Cardinal ‘shocked’ by survey responses on family life


Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, said he was “shocked” by responses to the global survey on Church teaching on the family, issued ahead of October’s Extraordinary Synod of Bishops.


Speaking to Catholic News Service, the cardinal said he found the responses “shocking, if I am allowed to use that word… because almost in all parts of the world, the questionnaires indicated that the teaching of the Church regarding family life is not clearly understood by people.”


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Asian Viewpoint: Fundamental flaws in Synod on the Family


In her article on ICN, Dr Astrid Lobo Gajiwala says:


My own reading of the questionnaire found two critical lacunae. As a woman functioning in an interfaith family for the past 25 years in a subcontinent where women form the anawim - or “poor ones” - vulnerable, exploited, marginalized, I felt excluded. I found no attempt to elicit information about the status of women in the family, a factor so crucial to the health of the family.


How can the family be a "domestic church" in countries like India when the birth of a girl is lamented and prevented? How can a daughter encounter Christ in the family when she is denied the same education and inheritance as her brother, and sold for a dowry? How is it possible for a mother to nurture a family when there is no food for her to eat, or her health is neglected because she is expendable?


With what integrity can one speak of responsible parenthood in a culture that makes a woman the property of her husband, to be used and abused as he pleases, bearing child after child without the resources to sustain life? What are the repercussions on a woman’s psychological and physical health when a husband demands sex irrespective of whether she wants it or not?


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Marriage teaching ‘disconnected’, say Dublin Catholics


Catholic teaching on contraception, cohabitation, same sex relationships, the divorced and remarried is “disconnected from real life experience of families – and not by just younger people”, said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin last night.


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