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La credibilidad del Papa Francisco con respecto al abuso clerical se ha visto socavada en Chile

La credibilidad del Papa Francisco con respecto al abuso clerical se ha visto socavada en Chile

El viaje del Papa Francisco a América del Sur reflejó la atención habitual del Papa a la realidad de los sufrimientos de las poblaciones nativas pobres y marginadas. Pero su visita también demostró la falta de claridad del Papa en la prioridad  de  las víctimas y sobrevivientes del abuso sexual clerical, y socavó aún más los esfuerzos de la Iglesia para mostrar su arrepentimiento en este importante tema.

El Papa pidió perdón y expresó su vergüenza por los abusadores sexuales en su alocución en la "Moneda" ante las autoridades civiles de Chile. El Papa Francisco también recibió una delegación de algunas de las víctimas a puerta cerrada. Estos fueron pasos importantes, pero  no tuvo la misma apertura y disposición con los abusados por Karadima.  

Sin embargo, estos eventos positivos fueron completamente socavados por el Papa Francisco al decir que aquellos que acusaron al Obispo Juan Barros Madrid de encubrir abuso sexual infantil fueron culpables de "calumnia".

El obispo Juan Barros Madrid fue nombrado obispo de Osorno en 2015. Al saberse su complicidad con Karadima fue trasladado a Osorno, antes era obispo castrense. Su nombramiento viene como consecuencia de una jerarquía existente desde hace tiempo y  acorde con la dictadura de Pinochet  y con la empatía del nuncio Angelo Sodano.  Fue el protector del pedófilo en serie Fernando Karadima, una figura influyente y conocida de la élite económica y conservadora en el mundo católico del país. Los miembros de la Pontificia Comisión para la Protección de Menores protestaron por el nombramiento, pero el Papa Francisco siguió adelante con ello. No hay ninguna sugerencia de que el Obispo Barros sea un abusador, pero sí un encubridor; sin duda era consciente del abuso en serie de Karadima a quien protegía.

Entonces nació un movimiento de base en la diócesis de Osorno que disputa y rechaza el nombramiento de Barros, pidiendo al Papa que lo revoque. El Papa Francisco, hablando con un periodista antes de abandonar Chile, dijo que no había evidencia contra Barros y acusó a los sobrevivientes  de difamación. Sin embargo, los supervivientes del abuso de Karadima, a quienes el Papa Francisco se negó a ver, han sido confirmados como creíbles. De hecho, el cardenal Seán O'Malley de Boston, que preside la Pontificia Comisión para la Protección de Menores, ha emitido una declaración según la cual la defensa del pontífice de un obispo chileno acusado de encubrir  abusos es "una fuente de gran dolor" para las víctimas. Hubo también una réplica del portavoz de los Laicos de Osorno: " el Papa tiene que comprender que él no es un tribunal, que los delitos no tiene por qué juzgarlos él, sino los tribunales chilenos, y  lo que tiene que hacer es ver si el obispo  Juan Barros es de verdad o no un líder espiritual y comprender que  no está cumpliendo la misión de un obispo... que es ser signo de unidad de una diócesis"

Somos Iglesia Internacional (WAC) y la Red Europea Iglesia por la Libertad (EN-RE) expresan su apoyo a la legítima protesta eclesiástica de los cristianos de Osorno y comparten la opinión de Somos Iglesia Chile (sección nacional del movimiento WAC) en este asunto. Pedimos al Papa Francisco que reconsidere urgentemente su apoyo al  Obispo Juan Barros por el bien de toda la Iglesia.

Sigrid Grabmeier                Enrique Orellana F.              Raquel Mallavibarrena    

Chair                                      Chair                                      Chair

WAC International             Somos Iglesia Chile             European Network Church on the Move

Contact: Marianne Duddy-Burke, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +1 617 669 7810 Executive Director, DignityUSA

Raquel Mallavibarrena, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +34 649332654

We Are Church International fundada en Roma en 1996, es una coalición global de grupos nacionales de reforma de la iglesia. Está comprometida en la renovación de la Iglesia Católica Romana basada en el Concilio Vaticano II (1962-1965) y el espíritu teológico desarrollado a partir de él. https://www.we-are-church.org/413/index.php

The European Network Church on the Move es una convergencia espontánea de organizaciones – asociaciones, comunidades, grupos informales  y redes – de cristianos europeos, que son católicos en su mayoría, y que comparten

(1) el planteamiento de una Iglesia profética, ecuménica, liberadora, que apoya, que ama, que nunca excluye ni discrimina y que sigue los pasos de Jesús el libertador,

(2) la voluntad de trabajar respetando la diversidad cultural y religiosa, en favor de la paz, la justicia, la libertad, los derechos humanos y la democracia en el mundo y también en la Iglesia Católica. http://www.en-re.eu/index.php

Pope Francis’ credibility regarding clerical abuse has been undermined in Chile

January 25, 2018.

[ Spanish ] [ Italian ] [French }

Pope Francis' trip to South America reflected the Pope’s usual attention to the reality of the sufferings of the poor and marginalized native populations. But his visit also demonstrated the Pope’s lack of clarity on prioritizing the victims and survivors of clerical sexual abuse, and further undermined the Church’s efforts to show its repentance on this important issue.

The pope asked for forgiveness and expressed shame for clerical sex abusers in his address at the “Moneda” before the Chilean civil authorities. Pope Francis also received a delegation of the victims behind closed doors. These were important steps, but he had not show the same openness with the victims of Karadima.

However, these positive events were completely undermined by Pope Francis’ saying that those who charged Bishop Juan Barros Madrid of covering up child sexual abuse were guilty of “slander.”

Bishop Juan Barros Madrid was appointed Bishop of Osorno in 2015, after his complicity with Karadima became known; prior to that he had been bishop for the Army. His nomination came from the hierarchy in Chile, who were in agreement with the dictatorship of Pinochet and enjoyed the empathy of the Nuncio Angelo Sodano. Bishop Barros was the protector of the serial pedophile Fr Fernando Karadima, an influential and well-known figure amongst the economic and conservative elite in the Catholic world of Santiago. Members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors protested his appointment, but Pope Francis proceeded with it. There is no suggestion that Bishop Barros himself was an abuser; but he was certainly aware of the serial abuse of Karadima whom he protected.

A base movement was then born in the Osorno diocese that disputed and rejected the appointment of Barros, asking the pope to revoke it. Pope Francis, speaking with a journalist before leaving Chile, said there was no evidence against Barros and accused the abuse survivors of slander. Yet the Karadima abuse survivors – whom Pope Francis refused to meet - have been confirmed as credible. In fact, Cardinal Seán O’Malley of Boston, who heads up the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, has issued a statement that the pontiff's defense of a Chilean bishop accused of covering up abuse was "a source of great pain" for survivors. There has also been a reply of the speaker of the lay people of Osorno: “The Pope should understand that he is not a jury, he does not have to decide about crimes, that will be judged by a Chilean jury, his duty is to check if the bishop Juan Barros is really a spiritual leader or not, and understand that he is not fulfilling his mission as a bishop: being a sign of unity in a diocese”.

We Are Church International (WAC) and the European Network Church on The Move (EN) express their support for the legitimate ecclesiastical protest of the Christians of Osorno and share the opinion of Somos Iglesia Chile (national section of the WAC movement) in this matter. We call on Pope Francis to urgently review his support of Bishop Juan Barros for the good of all the church.

Sigrid Grabmeier
WAC International
Enrique Orellana F.
Somos Iglesia Chile
Raquel Mallavibarrena
European Network Church on the Move

Marianne Duddy-Burke, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +1 617 669 7810 Executive Director, DignityUSA
Raquel Mallavibarrena, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +34 649332654

We Are Church International founded in Rome in 1996, is a global coalition of national church reform groups. It is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church based on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.https://www.we-are-church.org/413/index.php

The European Network Church on the Move is a spontaneous convergence of organizations – associations, communities, informal groups and networks – of European Christians who are in majority Catholic, sharing(1) the vision of a Church prophetic, ecumenical, liberating, supporting, loving, which neither excludes nor discriminates and which follows on the steps of Jesus the liberator(2) the will to work, respecting cultural and religious diversity, for peace, justice, freedom, human rights and democracy, including in the Catholic Churchhttp://www.en-re.eu/index.php

Vatican Commission for the Protection of Minors Must be Reactivated Says Leading Church Reform Group

January 17, 2018.

We Are Church International, a coalition of 22 Catholic reform organizations from six continents, is calling on Pope Francis to immediately reauthorize the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. This Commission, which oversees the Church’s efforts to ensure the safety of children, has been suspended due to the Pope’s failure to reauthorize it after its original three-year commission expired.

Sigrid Grabmeier, Chair of We Are Church International, said, “It is crucially important for the good of the entire Church that the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors be reinstated right away. We just saw Pope Francis apologize to survivors of clerical sexual abuse during his travels in Chile. Allowing the Commission to lapse undermines the sincerity of his words, and makes it seem that the protection of children is a low priority for our Church. The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors also has a critical role in ensuring that bishops and cardinals who are guilty of covering up and facilitating clerical abuse are brought to justice. Catholics throughout the world are deeply committed to ensuring that our children are protected from sexual abuse and other dangers. We need our Church officials to take quick action to correct this lapse in the Commission’s operations.”

We Are Church International has repeatedly called for a clear focus on addressing the issue of clerical sexual abuse and the protection of abusers by bishops in many countries, and by the Vatican. Rectifying these sins and providing appropriate care and compensation to the survivors of this abuse and their families, as well as holding those complicit in these cases accountable, are necessary steps for our Church to regain its moral authority. The well-being of children must always be our church’s highest priority. Reinstating the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and ensuring it has the resources and Papal support needed to accomplish its goals are key steps in reflecting this value.

We Are Church International (WACI) founded in Rome in 1996, is a global coalition of national church reform groups. It is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church based on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.

500 Years After Luther, Church Reform Still Needed, says Leading Catholic Group

October 28, 2017. As the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation is marked on October 31, 2017, a leading international Catholic organization says major reforms are still needed within the Church.

We Are Church International is calling on its members in 21 countries around the globe to mark Reformation Day by posting flyers addressing areas where changes are needed in the Catholic Church on church doors, or taking photos of themselves with the posters in front of their local parish churches between 29-31 October. The posters outline calls for the Church to implement:

  •     Democratic Structures
  •     Women Priests
  •     Justice not Canon Law
  •     Married Priests
  •     Welcome for all

“Half a millennium later, we Catholics owe a great debt to Martin Luther and to our Protestant kin,” said Sigrid Grabmeier, Chair of We Are Church International.  “They dared to speak out about ways in which our Church can be better followers of Christ. We try to carry on their tradition while remaining within the Catholic Communion.”

Grabmeier continued, “Our Church still has much to improve upon. On the 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses, we continue our call for our Church to be more accountable and to institute more democratic structures, to permit women and married people whom God has called to serve as priests, to prioritize justice rather than dogma and law, and to be a place that welcomes and affirms all people.  We believe these changes are absolutely necessary for the Catholic Church to live out its mission in the world effectively. We remain committed to work towards seeing these goals fulfilled.”

Contact: Marianne Duddy-Burke, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +1 617-669-7810


We Are Church International (IMWAC) founded in Rome in 1996, is a global coalition of national church reform groups. It is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church based on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.


Stand in solidarity with Luther

We are asking our members to organise vigils outside their local cathedrals and churches on Sunday the 29th of October 2017.

Images from

N. Ireland

1. The attached poster has a simplified list of WAC’s 5 aims, which all WAC Groups can use to make into posters. Each group to suit their culture can adapt the wording and language. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an editable copy in Microsoft Word.

2.We ask all WAC groups to organize their members to display these posters outside churches onSunday the 29thof October 2017. You might make some larger prints of the poster. And you might make photocopies of the poster to hand out. The vigil should only be for one hour - maybe as people arrive or leave the main mass?

3. Please arrange to take photos outside each church and publish the photos on your own websites / social media and also send them to WAC International to publish on websites and social media. Even ONE person with the Poster can be photographed. Please identify the churches when you send the photos. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR MEMBERS ARE HAPPY TO HAVE THEIR PHOTOS PUBLISHED.

4.Our aim is to have photographs from at least 500 different locations around the world.

5.And another aim is to have photographs from all 6 continents.

6. Any questions? Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reports in the media and national statements


Kairós Nós Também Somos Igreja

Comunità cristiane di base e Noi Siamo Chiesa : una comune riflessione sull’anno luterano e una domanda: perché cattolici e luterani non possono celebrare insieme l’Eucaristia?   Noi Siamo Chiesa

“El tesoro de la Iglesia son los pobres”    Somos Iglesia - Chile