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We are Church: "Now is the time to start reforms long overdue"

Press release

Madrid / Rome, April 17, 2010


We are Church: "Now is the time to start reforms long overdue: Benedict XVI's fifth pontifical anniversary"

International Movement We are Church asks all the faithful to support Hans Kueng’s open letter to the bishops



The International Movement We are Church regrets that the fifth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI's election is so much tarnished by the deep crisis our Church at present is undergoing. We  refer to  the world-wide disclosure of sexual abuse scandals and their cover up for such a long time.


"It is not growing secularism that has caused the most profound crisis of our Church, but the inability of the Papacy to read the signs of the time", declares Raquel Mallavibarrena from the Spanish Somos Iglesia, present Chair of the International Movement We Are Church. "The abuse crisis and its concealment are due to an inhumane conception of sexuality and outdated patriarchal power structures. The actual global crisis makes it clear that the clerical hierarchy alone can’t serve any longer as the foundation and justification of the Catholic church's institutional structure and authority."


We are Church appreciates the present activities of the Pope combating paedophilia in the Church. Benedict’s tragedy is caused by the fact that he started it too late, too weakly, and that he is not supported enough by all cardinals, bishops, and the Roman Curia. He is now harvesting the fruits he sowed, when in 2001, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) he ordered all bishops in the universal church to conceal from public authorities any case of sexual crime against minors by members of the clergy and instead to inform his office.


Read more: We are Church: "Now is the time to start reforms long overdue"

Open Letter by Hans Küng: "Unprecedented loss of trust"

Hans Küng: Ein historischer Vertrauensverlust


Fünf Jahre Benedikt XVI. – ein offener Brief an die katholischen Bischöfe weltweit / Von Hans Küng

(Hervorhebungen durch Wir sind Kirche) 

Verehrte Bischöfe,

Joseph Ratzinger, jetzt Benedikt XVI., und ich waren 1962-1965 die beiden jüngsten Konzilstheologen. Jetzt sind wir die beiden ältesten und einzigen noch voll aktiven. Mein theologisches Schaffen verstand ich stets auch als Dienst an der Kirche. Deshalb wende ich mich am 5. Jahrestag der Amtseinsetzung von Papst Benedikt in einem Offenen Brief an Sie, in Sorge um diese unsere Kirche, die in der tiefsten Vertrauenskrise seit der Reformation steckt. Eine andere Möglichkeit, an Sie zu gelangen, habe ich nicht.

Ich habe es sehr geschätzt, dass Papst Benedikt mich, seinen Kritiker, bald nach seinem Amtsantritt zu einem vier Stunden langen Gespräch einlud, das freundschaftlich verlief. Dies hat mir damals Hoffnung gemacht, dass Joseph Ratzinger, mein früherer Kollege an der Universität Tübingen, doch den Weg finden würde zur weiteren Erneuerung der Kirche und ökumenischen Verständigung im Geist des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils.
Read more: Open Letter by Hans Küng: "Unprecedented loss of trust"

On sexual abuse, rather than look for external causes, the Church should urgently look at its own structures!


IMWAC Press release on the pastoral letter of Benedict XVI to the Catholic Church in Ireland

To end pedophilia, abolish priestly celibacy


A text by Hans Küng: [German] [French] [Spanish]

Edward Schillebeeckx - In memoriam - Prof. Dr. Edward Schillebeeckx OP

12 novembre 1914 – 23 dicembre 2009


Omaggio del suo successore, Prof. Dr. Hermann Häring

 La sera del 23 dicembre 2009 è mancato a Nimega Edward Schillebeecks OP. Nato il 12 novembre 1914 ad Anversa, membro dell’ordine dei frati domenicani dal 1934 e tra i più influenti teologi del Novecento, professore di teologia alla Facoltà Teologica di Nimega dal 1957 al 1982, ha vissuto – e sofferto – una delle più interessanti epoche della Chiesa cattolica, contribuendo a plasmarla. Studia filosofia (1935) e in seguito teologia (1939); nel 1943 diventa docente di teologia a Lovanio: è l’inizio di una straordinaria carriera. Fin dall’inizio è interessato al rapporto tra fede, cultura contemporanea ed esistenza umana. Al contempo si mostra influenzato dai nuovi impulsi provenienti dalla Francia, quelli della nouvelle théologie. Presenta le verità di fede cattoliche non come sistema rigido, ma come l’interpretazione realistica di una fede viva nel Dio vivente. Il suo primo lavoro importante sui sacramenti (1952) è accolto con grande entusiasmo. Nel 1955 segue un libro su Maria, e nel 1959, in seconda edizione, un’opera su Cristo, tradotta in diverse lingue: Cristo, sacramento dell’incontro con Dio (1960). Nel frattempo Schillebeeckx è divenuto autore apprezzato e oratore assai richiesto.

Read more: Edward Schillebeeckx - In memoriam - Prof. Dr. Edward Schillebeeckx OP