Press Conference
Rome, Oct 9, 2012
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International Movement ‘We Are Church’ (IMWAC)
Movimento Internazionale ‘Noi siamo Chiesa’ (IMWAC)
European Network Church ‘On The Move’ (EN/RE)
Rete Europea ‘Chiesa per la Riforma’ (EN/RE)
On the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council, the International Movement We Are Church (IMWAC) and the European Network Church on the Move (EN/RE), Witness to and Hope for a Church Ever More Free and Human, Built on Communities of Baptized Christians Deeply Committed to Ministry in the Church and Justice in the World
1. The Second Vatican Council endorsed a profound renovation of the Catholic Church, both in its own structures and in its relationship to the world. The transformation in the liturgy was one of the central and most visible fruits of the Council, especially in its use of vernacular languages and its celebration based on the local community. The constitutions “Lumen Gentium” and “Gaudium et Spes” contain definitions of the Church itself (now seen as the People of God) and of the value of the secular world and how we might minister to it.