We Are Church Intl.

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Teresa Forcades: "The great changes in the Church come from below, not from the Pope"

During an interview with Iglesia Descalza, Sr Teresa Forcades was asked


So, don't you think the time has come for the "necessary renewal" of the Church which you advocate in your book?


She replied: Any change in history, both at the church and the societal level, has started from below. When John XXIII was chosen, for example, there were already renewal movements like Nouvelle Théologie in France and the Movimiento Litúrgico, which was very important here in Montserrat. Well, I see something similar happening now: constructive and faithful criticism is rising from the grassroots so that -- I don't know if it will be this pope -- but the time will come when it can't be ignored.


Read the rest of the interview