We Are Church International are pleased that Pope Francis is no longer in danger of death and continue to call for prayers for his speedy recovery. We can only hope that Francis, with his incredible energy and charisma, can accompany the renewal process of the Roman Catholic world church for as long as possible. Francis has opened the door for many things that can and must be done now; but there is still much to be done.
On the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis on 13 March 2013, We Are Church International once again appeals to the entire church community and to church leadership at all levels, to remain faithful to the urgently needed reform course initiated by Francis and confirmed by the World Synod.
In the twelve years of his pontificate, Pope Francis has initiated a radical reorientation of the Roman Catholic Church, both internally and externally, as he announced in his speech before the conclave. This is why he was elected by the cardinals. But the crisis in the Church is far from over. And there is strong resistance to Pope Francis' reform course, which was previously unimaginable. Unfortunately, many bishops have not yet followed him. But the hot topics must be addressed, and this is especially true with regard to real equality for women in the Church.
We are Church International and the Catholic Women's Council have therefore launched a petition "Equality in the Catholic Church" for the Holy Year 2025. The church only has a future if everyone reorients themselves together towards the liberating message of the Kingdom of God.
Press contacts:
Colm Holmes, Chair We are Church International
Dr Martha Heizer, Vice-Chair We are Church International
W www.we-are-church.org