We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

Round Tables going round in circles

Paragraph 94 of the Synod Final document states: "Without concrete changes in the short term, the vision of a synodal Church will not be credible".

100 days after the Synod on Synodality ended the only enduring legacy is the image of the Round Tables which signal listening. But missing is any process to convert all the listening into meaningful reforms to bring our church back in line with the teachings of Jesus.

The patriarchal monarchy has reasserted its total control of all decision making by taking all important issues away from the Synod and passing them to Study Groups. These Study groups were asked to report back in June 2025. We fear they will not report back to the Synod. Who will they report back to? Will their reports be made public? Or will further study be required to kick any reforms much further down the road?

  • We call for the entire church community to be involved in all essential decisions and not only in an advisory capacity.
  • We call for the results of the ten working groups which the Pope has outsourced from the World Synod to be published transparently before the end of 2025 and to be dealt with in a synodal manner, not only by the hierarchy.
  • We call for Canon Law to be updated to reflect a truly Synodal Church
  • We call for all dioceses and parishes to implement the strong recommendations of the synod regarding Pastoral and Finance Councils

In some countries there is work underway to set up Diocesan and Parish Pastoral Councils (DPC’s and PPC’s) – but they must not remain under the absolute control of the bishop or parish priest. In other countries even altar girls have been banned.

The urgently needed reforms in our church will come from small Christian communities and local churches and not from Rome.

Press contacts:

Colm Holmes, Chair We are Church International
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: +353 86606 3636

Dr Martha Heizer, Vice-Chair We are Church International
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: +43 650 4168500