We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

Another Step Towards a Truly Inclusive Church

We Are Church International sees the Instrumentum Laboris as a further important step on the path of necessary renewal initiated by Pope Francis.

It is to be hoped that the extensive catalogue of over 100 questions points the difficult way from a hierarchical towards a truly inclusive church, which can be understood and lived in the many different cultures. We seek a church as a community of hope and solidarity, which can rightly refer to the message of Jesus of Nazareth, but which is also open to exchange and cooperation with other religious communities for the benefit of all humanity.

Above all, We Are Church International appeals to the bishops to courageously help shape this unprecedented and ambitious synodal path of Pope Francis. For the path now taken, which includes the entire people of God, corresponds to the communio-theology of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65).

With the participation of ten religious and at least seventy non-bishops from the worldwide people of the Church, the Synodal Assembly provides for a tentative expansion of voting rights and decisions on the future of the Church, which must be followed by further steps.

We Are Church International considers it essential to concretely address our 5 goals:

  • Equality for all the baptised in new structures
  • All ministries and leadership roles open to women
  • All ministries and leadership roles open to married people
  • A positive attitude to sexuality
  • A welcome for all

Instrumentum Laboris