We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

No Voting means No Progress

We Are Church calls for Voting in Prague

The Synodal Process called by Pope Francis has shown how important it is to listen and dialogue with all.

But progress will only be made by taking actions on the priority issues. Therefore it is important for the Prague meeting to vote on the many issues which have been discussed, voting on each of them to determine the priority of each resolution. Together with the priorities from the other continental meetings there can then be meaning full Synods in October 2023 and October 2024.

We have seen how Synodality has blossomed with clerics and laity in dialogue around the world. The next steps must be implementation of reforms. Some reforms will blossom and thrive. Others will wither and be discarded. But we must take decisions and move forward, rather than keep going around in circles.

We Are Church also calls for EQUALITY at the Synod meetings with equal numbers of voices for laity and clergy.

EQUALITY for Women
EQUALITY for Laity
EQUALITY for Married

Colm Holmes
Chair, We Are Church International