We Are Church Intl.

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A contradictory theologian who leaves behind a difficult legacy

We Are Church International offers prayers for the repose of the soul of the retired Pope Benedict XVI who died on 31 December 2022.

We Are Church International sees the late Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, former Pope Benedict XVI, as a highly contradictory theologian who shaped the Roman Catholic Church for decades in a backward-looking way like no other post-conciliar church leader. He left his successor Pope Francis and the entire Church a difficult legacy to overcome, leaving a climate of fear and a theological standstill.

While Joseph Ratzinger helped shape the reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as a young theologian and advisor, he later proved to be a theologian driven by mistrust and frozen in fear in his 31 years at the Vatican (1982-2005 as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope John Paul II, 2005-2013 as Pope Benedict XVI), who was overwhelmed with his leadership tasks.

Joseph Ratzinger did not develop an understanding of the future dimension of faith. Rather, he tried to limit or even withdraw the reform impulses of the Council. He thus proved to be a relentless reactionary who ultimately failed. During Benedict’s reign, it became more and more obvious that maintaining the Church hierarchical system is totally inconsistent with, if not opposite to, the Gospel’s message. Even as "Papa emeritus" he repeatedly spoke out in a highly problematic manner, despite his promise to the contrary. With his implausible statements on the second Munich abuse report, he himself severely damaged his reputation as a theologian and church leader and as a "co-worker of the truth" (his bishop's motto). He was not prepared to make a personal admission of guilt. In doing so, he did great damage to the episcopal and papal office.

His commendable resignation in 2013 demystified the papal office. It would have been logical, however, if he had also taken off the white cassock.

May he rest in peace.

Colm Holmes
Chair, We Are Church International
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