We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

“Fratelli tutti” excludes Women

Press Release

1 October 2020.

Pope Francis will travel to Assisi on the 3rd of October to sign an encyclical “Fratelli tutti” on the social, political and economic obligations that flow from a belief that all people are children of God and therefore sisters and brothers to one another. This is an important encyclical on social justice for our post Covid world. Yet sadly Pope Francis is undermining his important message by choosing the sexist title “Fratelli tutti”

Pope Francis was elected 7 years ago. His first words to the huge crowd in front of Saint Peter’s were: “Fratelli e sorelle! Buonasera!” And they were greeted with a great cheer, especially from the many women present. So why does he now revert to a very old fashioned “Fratelli tutti” which in 2020 most certainly does not include “sorelle”?

We support the Catholic Women’s Council’s call for Pope Francis to change the title of his encyclical to include “sorelle”.

 Colm Holmes
Chair, We Are Church International
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We Are Church International (WAC) founded in Rome in 1996, is a global coalition of national church reform groups. It is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church based on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.

Fratelli Tutti

An encyclical for all brothers and sisters

„Eindringlicher Appell zur Umkehr - auch an die eigene Kirche“

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