We Are Church Intl.

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We Are Church International responds to Pope Francis on Women’s Ordination


Never say never.


In the past, our popes told us:

  1. women are inferior to men

  2. women must obey their husbands

  3. women become unclean through child birth

And now Pope Francis has said that the teaching of Saint Pope John Paul II that women can never be ordained as Catholic priests is “the last word” and that it is “clear.” This is another belief that will fall away in time.

Sigrid Grabmeier, Chair of We Are Church International, said, “Our popes find it very hard to understand God’s call to women because they spend most of their time discussing the role of women with celibate men.  A renewed church is growing where all will be priests and prophets. This will better enable our church to live out the Gospel of Jesus. “

We Are Church International Council meeting in Rome
6 November 2016

Contact: Marianne Duddy-Burke, We Are Church media, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +1 617-669-7810


We Are Church International, founded in Rome in 1996, is a global coalition of national church reform groups. It is committed to the renewal of the Roman Catholic Church based on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the theological spirit developed from it.