We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

"Now the Synod in the universal Church must be continued"


Media release                                                                        Rome, October 18, 2014


[French]  [German]  [Italian] [Spanish] [Portuguese]


This day at the end of the Extraordinary Synod has initiated a long overdue process of broad and open dialogue for the entire Church. This cannot be stopped.


The International Movement We Are Church supports all efforts to continue this throughout the global Church until the resumption of debate in the October 2015 Synod. Unlike the current synod, the one in 2015 must herald full application of the theological sciences and active participation of the people in the pews. Only then will informed and realistic answers to the many pressing issues be found.


It is high time that the foundations of the Church's sexual teaching are developed in line with modern science. This must and will lead to a relinquishing of incorrect or outdated doctrines and the further development of teaching.


We believe of importance will be:

  • A return to the primacy of individual conscience (Cardinal John Henry Newman).
  • A new and holistic view of sexuality, which opens up a reasonable approach to questions of homosexuality and homosexual partnerships.
  • An inspiring interpretation of the relevant biblical texts and Jesus’ Message.
  • Following the Council of Trent a sophisticated understanding of marriage as a sacrament.


The International Movement We Are Church expects the further discussion among the world’s Bishops in 2015 to produce:


  • An offer of welcome to divorced and remarried couples, following the example of the Orthodox Churches and as the Bishops of the Upper Rhine made public in 1993.
  • An active stand by the Roman Catholic Church against the criminalization of homosexual people who are being persecuted in many countries, even as far as incurring the death penalty.
  • A view of marriage and the various forms of family as a lifetime community, which assumes responsibility in love and solidarity.
  • Support, especially for those families who have to live, for social or political reasons, in very bad and detrimental conditions.


After years of suppression of dialogue in the local church, Pope Francis took the remarkable step of asking all members of the Church to respond to the pre-Synod questionnaire. The "Instrumentum Laboris" has afforded a global insight, which can no longer be ignored.


The beatification of Pope Paul VI taking place on the last day of the Synod recognises his great work in opening the Church to the world and continuing the work of the Second Vatican Council convened by his predecessor. However he also determined teaching on marriage and sexual matters exploiting Church politics where he ignored the vast majority of the votes of the Birth Control Commission convened by him. The 1968 Encyclical “Humanae Vitae” resulted in much loss of credibility for the Church as an institution and for its teaching on human sexuality.  This must not continue after this Synod.



Christian Weisner, cell phone: + 49-172-5 18 40 82, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Martha Heizer, Chair of International Movement We are Church
cell phone: +43 650 4168500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.