We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

Message to the Kingston Convocation

The International Movement We Are Church (IMWAC, Catholic reform movement) sends their best regards to the sisters and brothers gathered in Kingston, from May 17 to 25 for the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation "Glory to God and Peace on Earth".

We are aware that in our day, peace in the world is threatened by conflicts old and new, and that it is poor people who are affected most intensely by these conflicts.

Commitment to peace and justice is not limited to churches, but they have the particular task of proclaiming the Gospel of peace, and to live a life that is consistent with this message. No Church reform would make sense if, in the end, it did not impel the disciples of Jesus Christ to work for peace and more solidarity with all those working every day to make the gift of peace a reality.

We offer our prayers so that all of you gathered in Kingston are guided by the Holy Spirit, who offers the Christians and the Churches, today just as before, words of peace and salvation, which must be announced to the world.