We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

Excommunication of Dr Martha Heizer


Dr Martha Heizer and her husband, Gerd, will no longer be able to receive Communion at Mass in the Roman Catholic Church because they and their group celebrated the Eucharist together without a Ministerial Priest being present.  


There are a variety of opinions within the We Are Church movement about this and so response has been left to individual national groups.


Many We Are Church groups agreed with the press release of Noi Siamo Chiesa which was translated into English, German, French, Spanish


Statements by We Are Church groups


Wir sind Kirche Austria - Vertrauen für Martha Heizer grosse Richtungsdiskussion angesagt 

Wir sind Kirche Deutschland - Zur Exkommunikation durch Bischof Scheuer

Wir sind Kirche Austria - Martha remains in the Chair

We Are Church Ireland - Support for Martha Heizer

0gså vi er kirken, Norway - Sad News

We Are Church - France - Soutien à Martha et Gert Heizer suite à la décision d’excommunication

Vi är kyrka - Sweden - FÖR VÄKS HEMSIDA

Katolsk Vision - Sweden - Excommunication clarifies the differences of opinion within Wir sind Kirche movements

Vi Er 0gså Kirken, Denmark   -  A commentary on excommunication of Martha Heizer

Nous Sommes aussi l'Eglise, France - La présidente du mouvement international Nous Sommes Eglise excommuniée 

We Are Also Church, South Africa - Statement regarding the excommunication of Martha Heizer.


Statements and Comments by others

For All Eternity - Statement by Dr Thomas Plankensteiner, founding Chairman of We Are Church in Austria.

Commentary by Dr Paul Collins (Catholica)

Statement by the Austrian Priests' Initiative  [German] [English] [Spanish]

Excomunión a la responsable del movimiento «Somos Iglesia»

Excomulgados por celebrar sin cura la Cena del Señor

Excommuniés pour avoir célébré la messe sans prêtre

¿Celebrar la Eucaristía sin un sacerdote?