We Are Church Intl.

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Decree of the former Holy Office of the Inquisition against the International Chairperson of We Are Church.


We reject the Decree says the spokesman for We are Church (Italy)


Martha Heizer and her husband Gerd gathered at home to celebrate the Eucharist together with some other people in ways similar to those which have been long practiced by base communities, i.e. without a canonically accredited Ministerial Priest. At the same time, as far as we know, they continued to be active in support of their parish. In this way they have attempted to be consistent with the practice and teaching of Jesus to make the Gospel more accessible and better understood by all.


This is the way the Church will go in the future by calling on the so-called viri probati (and mulieres probatae) to enable all the baptised, the People of God, to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. In many situations in the world, for example in Latin America, where a Priestly presence is only available occasionally, things are moving in this direction. The Bishop of the Amazon Diocese in Brazil has recently discussed this with Pope Francis and has been heard.


That being said, we believe that Cardinal Müller (Prefect of former Holy Office), knowing that Martha Heizer is the Chairperson of the International Movement We Are Church and, a few weeks ago elected to the Chair of We Are Church (Austria), has "used" this matter to indirectly but very strongly attack the new direction of Pope Francis and the essential reforms which he is proposing.  This action leaves us with no other interpretation as it moves against the Chairperson of the main movement which has been committed to the reform of the Catholic Church in line with the Second Vatican Council for many years. The International Movement We Are Church upholds the message of the new Bishop of Rome with conviction. The Decree against Martha has been delayed for three years, and seemed abandoned.  It is resurrected now when the support for change in the Church in gaining strength.


"Noi Siamo Chiesa " rejects the decree of former Holy Office of the Inquisition and empathizes with Martha and Gerd. It stands with them in the Church, despite the protestations of those who claim to protect the faith but instead only protect the institution’s Canon Law


Rome, May 22, 2014 Vittorio Bellavite, spokesman for "Noi Siamo Chiesa"