We Are Church Intl.

News and Media Releases

"Youth who dares fight builds people's power"

Juazeiro do Norte, July 14, 2013.


We,  Youths gathered at Trezinho Meeting, organized by  the Base Ecclesial Communities (CEBs) in the Diocese of Crato, in preparation for the 13th Interecclesial Meeting, we share the experience of Prophecy and Justice in the Service of Life, either in the rural zones and in the City. So, we want to announce to all youths from all continents who will be attending the World Youth Day and the 13th Interecclesial of CEBs that, according to Christ Liberator´s testimony, we seek to experience a prophetic spirituality, which becomes visible in the preferential option for the poor and in defense of life for a society of living well. Spurred by the prophecy of this martyrs land, who in their fidelity to the Gospel, shed their blood for the sake of the Kingdom, denounce:


- The current capitalist model driven by  profit, which kills our youths, especially the Afrodenscendents  and poor, and thus destroys the hope of the continuity of life that God has given us.


- The lack of effectiveness of specific public policies for young people in the city and countryside.


- The great projects and mega-events with the mask "development" to the countryside and the cities, which expel communities from their territories by destroying the cultures and traditions that they have historically constructed.


We repudiate:


- Reducing the age concerning criminal responsibility because we believe that it will not solve the problem of violence,  because such a problem has cause involving social inequality and lack of opportunity for the development of a dignified life - "I came that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly "(John 10:10).


- The attitude of politicians who use public goods to feed the greed for money and impunity that encourages the commission of such crimes - "You cannot serve God and money" (Deut. 9).


Due to everything that was explained, we  affirm our commitment to:


- To participate at the struggle of the Afrodescendent, Indigenous, Peasant  Youth, and at the struggle of fisherfolk and "Quilombolas" communities as well, defending their identity and territories.


· Fight for the democratization of the media as a guarantee of space and popular expression, performing a counterpoint to mainstream media that distorts the most diverse social struggles.


· We support the defense of the various forms of love as an expression of the gesture in which Jesus welcomes the Samaritan woman (John 4), and thus breaks prejudices present in us and in society.


We, Youths delighted  with the current context of the Base Ecclesial Communities, will follow the firm path towards a society in which everyone take part in a new history.


(Transl.: AJFC)