2 October 2014
from Christian Weisner in Rome
Martha Heizer and I have arrived with a train in Rome this evening. Our Hotel is only 150 meter away from the Vatican. In the local „Trattoria“ I met four journalists I know quite well from Germany. Martha, Deborah (Future Church) and myself enjoyed the simple but very good food and discussed the recent deveopements in the Church. Everybody is curious if the Synod will bring any hope and results.
German speaking Pfarrer-Initiatives: www.kipa-apic.ch/index.php?na=0,0,0,0,d&ki=259179
Pfarrer-Initiative Munich: gemeindeinitiative.org/index.php/aktuell-test/196-eine-stimme-fuer-die-laien
Central Comittee of German Catholics: www.zdk.de/veroeffentlichungen/pressemeldungen/detail/Synode-soll-Verkuendigung-zu-Fragen-von-Ehe-und-Sexualitaet-grundlegend-neu-bedenken-897y/
You will find the latest interview with Cardinal Kasper in the German newspaper ZEIT as an attachment.
Catholic Church Reform had its first seminar today: http://ncronline.org/blogs/where-i-stand/catholic-church-reforms-alternate-gathering-family-highlights-lay-vocation
There is still a lot do for IMWAC’s press conference on Saturday. Mariella Laera (Silver&Cherry) from Rome is very, very helpful in many ways: Sending out our invitation to the media, printing the press-pack and posters, signposting, organizing a translator and translation equipment. Tomorrow I will have to finalize our statement and our press pack.