We Are Church Intl.

USA - The Results of the Survey on the Family are in!


We have pleasure in bringing you news from FutureChurch. 


Each and every Catholic has a right and a responsibility to speak and act for the good of the entire Church.  You did that when you completed the Survey on the Family in November 2013.  Now the results are in! 


Here are few highlights: 

  • A majority of respondents were mass-goers (53%) who have a major investment in the Church 
  • Overwhelmingly, respondents see an urgent need for pastoral care in the Church, an element that has been missing for too long
  • There are major differences between Church teaching and how the respondents view separated, divorced and remarried Catholics, contraception, same-sex marriage and women's roles in the church
  • Respondents expressed both skepticism that their voices would be heard by most church leaders and hope that things are changing under Pope Francis
  • Respondents expressed one near universal hope for a church that would be "a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium, #114)." 

Go to MyCatholicFamily.org to read the full report!  


These survey results will be sent to Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, USCCB President and other U.S. Bishops for their use at the Synod on the Family.  


After you read the report, TAKE ACTION! 

Write a letter to Cardinal Baldisseri urging him to include theologians with families, women theologians and theologians with a specialty in gender studies to work alongside the bishops during the synod.  

Go to MyCatholicFamily.org to find out how you can make a difference! 


Thank you for doing your part to make the church we love a better place!


Deborah Rose-Milavec

Executive Director