We Are Church Intl.

On-Line Questionnaire - UK

From the website of the Conference of English and Welsh Bishops.


A major part of our preparation for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family in 2014 is to encourage you to complete a Vatican questionnaire.

You can actively participate by visiting our questionnaire on SurveyMonkey:


But first, please take some time to prepare...

We would really value your responses to this questionnaire on family life but there are a few points to note before taking part.

To complete the survey in full could take 30 minutes or more so we'd strongly recommend you download and use the pro-forma word document, located below and in the right corner of this page, to prepare your responses before submitting your answers online.

Synod Response Pro Forma 91.50 kB

  • The survey has 46 questions/opportunities to give your feedback.
  • A few of the early questions are short answer, tick box or selections from a drop-down, however most allow for a full text response.
  • Please fill in the initial information fields as fully as possible - particularly 'diocese/ordinariate' field if applicable.
  • Although we'd encourage a full response, it's not necessary to answer every question, please skip questions you feel unable to answer.
  • You can also simply send a completed pro-forma directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The current deadline for submissions is Saturday, 30 November 2013.