We Are Church Intl.

News from the Netherlands

Look in the mirror!  Is the Gospel in the reflection?

Eye with reflection of Christ

The Dutch Catholic reform organization Mariënburg with 1300 members is trying to persuade the institutional church to take a look into the mirror to discover where it deviates from the Gospel.  People are asking for the leadership’s concept of the Church to change from dictation from the top of a pyramid, untouchable, to one where faithful individuals follow their own informed conscience and become the Church in collaboration with the leadership. 

Day of Tolerance

On 28 October 2017 Mariënburg is organizing the Day of Tolerance in Utrecht. 



Reception in the lobby with coffee and tea

10.30 am:

Opening by the chairman; Prof. Dr. H. van den Akker

10.45 pm:

'Sarah', by Sarah Muse, actress as refugees from Somalia

11.15 hours:

'Warriors', theater by Moroccan youth from the Schilderswijk

11:45 pm:

Panel discussion by Henk Baars

12.15 hours:


14.00 hours:

'White is also a color' documentary by Sunny Bergman

14:50 hours:

Four workshops:
1. Conversation with representatives of the African community - Mpanzu Bamenga (D66 - Eindhoven) Lerina Kwamba (Karibu Bibi) by Henk Baars
2. Anxiety, cause of intolerance -olv Joke Litjens
3. Deed and Scripture -olv Daan Savert
4. Celebrate in a multicultural neighborhood -olv Frans Wijnen -pastor in Rotterdam-Zuid.

16:00 :

Conclusion with prayer and singing

The conference is open for members and non-members. Full details are on the website www.marienburgvereniging.nl