We Are Church Intl.


Germany: Report to the IMWAC Council, March 2015

We are Church-Germany Report to IMWAC  March 2015

  1. Steering committee (“Bundesteam”) elected by National Convention in October 2013: Johannes Brinkmann, Sigrid Grabmeier, Susanne Ludewig, Magnus Lux, Gisela Münster, Christian Weisner

Steering committee meets 4-5 times a year – besides other activities

  1. No formal membership for WAC Germany
  2. WAC-Groups or partners to contact in all 27 dioceses of Germany
  3. Finances: out of donations only
  4. National Activities 2014:

WAC General National Conference („Bundesversammlung“)

21-23 March 2014 Regensburg: “Oecumenical Bridges” with Prof Dr Johannes Brosseder

24-26 October 2014 Essen: Everything is relative - but God and Hunger. Christian Responsibility seen by Liberation Theology with Dr Michael Ramminger

Participating at Official National Catholic Convention (“Katholikentag”) and at “KatholikentagPlus” a program of reforming groups, 28 May-1 June 2014 in Regensburg with a broad range of activities

Co-initiator of “GOD. POWER. LANGUAGE” (about influence and meaning of language and words on belief and believers), a seminar of reform groups in Frankfurt 17-19 October 2014

  1. National Projects

Family Synod: Since November 2014 continuing activities: encouragement of the faithful to take part, collection of answers to the official questionnaires by the dioceses by supporters, critical monitoring of episcopal activities, information about and evaluation of processes within the dioceses. -. The Family Synod will be the main focus of our activities in 2015. Our text collection and manual (“Arbeitshilfe” www.wir-sind-kirche.de/?id=674) for the family synod with helpful information and arguments is already in its 3rd edition.

Bishop’s Dialogue 2010-2015: WAC is not admitted but is monitoring the process started by the German Bishops to cope with the crisis of credibility since the disclosure of sexual abuse. This process is like chewing gum: very tasty at the beginning, getting more and more flavourless, no final result.

Spiritual activities like bicycle pilgrimages, Advent-Bible-Calendar per e-mail, weekly Sunday Letters e-mail (with short comments by WAC-people on the actual passages from the Bible).

  1. Media Work

Press conferences before national WAC meetings, at Katholikentag, before Bishops’ Conference meetings.

Members of Bundesteam and of local groups take part at TV-discussions, interviews and TV-reports

Web site: www.wir-sind-kirche.de

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/pages/Wir-sind-Kirche-Deutschland/145275222200434?sk=wall&filter=12