The Frenchspeaking Belgian group's name is PAVES (For Another Face of Church and Society). It involves three main groups :
- the Grassroots Communities
- a group of married priests (Hors-les-Murs = Out-of-the-Walls)
- a Christian Peace Movement (MCP).
- In 2014 we had an event to organize : the European Network meeting in Belgium in May. We organized a studyday about ethical questions, and invited at the same time a Dominican and a teacher of humanist moral to debate about it. We also had a workshop with a consultant in ethics : he helped us to work and discuss on the same way they do it in the hospitals within the ethical committee, when someone asks for euthanasia or when the doctors and the nurses hesitate about stopping cares.
- PAVES has a periodic newspaper (600-900 copies every three months :
see also our website ).
PAVES sends a delegate to the Council of the Lay People (Conseil Interdiocésain des Laïcs ; this Council takes place next to the Bishops Conference and gathers people from all kind of catholic organizations (communities, social NGOs, catholic union, universities, youth organization, elderly people, ...). One bishop is also a member of the Council and we can make him hear our points of view. But the Council is in crisis for a few years (not enough ressources anymore, no more projects). It is trying a refoundation process these months and/but cancelled already two on four meetings the last year. Our delegate took the occasion to tell his concern and disappointment about it. Our delegate had also recently the opportunity to tell what we expect from the Council. He asked for :
- respect and dialogue into pluralism, and for looking together for common ways ;
- democratic working and large participation (just like we want it in the Church) ;
- formulation of propositions and statements about important social, ethical and church challenges.