We Are Church Intl.

For a Church of more Collegiality, Justice and Pastoral Wisdom


We are Church congratulates

Pope Francis I from Argentina


[French] [German] [Spanish] [Italian] [Portuguese]


Press release, Rome, 13 March 2013


The International Movement We are Church congratulates the new Pope on his election and hopes the Holy Spirit will accompany him for the good of the whole Church and the good of Christianity.


At a critical moment in both the Church and the world the Catholic Church is at a turning point in history. That’s why, joined by many faithful Catholics around the globe, we are calling on the new Pope, the new Bishop of Rome, to follow the need for a renewed Church.


First, he needs to start to reform the Vatican and decision making process inside of the Roman Curia, especially he has to clarify its banking system and should give much more self-determination to local churches. We furthermore need a Church much more sincerely committed to social justice, especially to the poor and disadvantaged. We hope that the new Pope will be sensitive enough to build bridges to other religions so that we can all work together for peace and development.


We need equal rights and responsibilities of men and women in the Church if we want to have the credibility to foster human rights and justice in the world. We need a new understanding of priesthood, including the acceptance of married priests. And we need a revised moral teaching, especially on contraception and homosexuality. The future of the Catholic Church depends on seeking truth, justice, and reconciliation for the grave crimes committed and concealed by Catholic clergy worldwide.


The agenda the new Pope has to work on – hopefully with the Cardinals, the Bishops and the People of God all over the world – is very long. To make changes for the better the Cardinals, particularly those who will return to their dioceses, must be more accountable to the people of God in the future.


The new Pope has to accept and follow the teachings of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), which are still valid but not put into practice consistently. One of the keywords of this council was dialogue. It is high time that the new Pope and the Catholic hierarchy began talks with loyal and devout Catholics seeking reform and renewal according to the Second Vatican Council. Only then will the new Pope be listened to and his teaching respected by all members of the Church worldwide..


Press contact in Rome:

  • Christian Weisner (We are Church Germany / Intern. Movement We are Church), Tel. +49 0172 5184082, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Dr. Martha Heizer (We are Church Austria / Intern. Movement We are Church),
    Tel. +43 650-4168500, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Press contact in Italy:

  • Vittorio Bellavite (Noi siamo chiesa Italy)
    Tel. +39-3331309765, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Press contacts of the International Movement We are Church in many countries:
