From Christian Weisner in Rome
Yesterday SNAP (Survivers Network Abused by Priest) published a blacklist of 12 Cardinals. This is different to our purpose which is to bring positive suggestions from the People of God to Rome: a way of bringing about a new system of decisionmaking which is badly needed in our church.
Today was THE day that we had our first presentation about the history and the future of the future of the papacy with five perfect speakers: Martha Heizer(AT), Michael Walsh (UK), Paul Collins (AU), Anthony Padovano (US) and Marylin Hatton (AU). Basilio Buffoni and Vittorio Bellavite, together with some very good helping hands, had organised everything very well. You will find the statement in various languages below on this website.
What I said yesterday still holds true. We don't know the date of the beginning of the Conclave yet. It might start even later than March 10 or 11. The Cardinals are still discussing the general situation in the church.
Anthony Padovano and Michael Walsh are leaving tomorrow. Martha Heizer is going home but will come back for our next press conference that hopefully will take place shortly before the beginning of the Conclave. I will stay Rome and will wait.