The news of Vittorio's death reached us during our journey through Armenia and Georgia. We experienced Easter twice this year - once according to the Gregorian calendar (Armenia) and one week later according to the Julian calendar (Georgia). So these ancient Christian chants carried us very much at the thought of Vittorio, who was now "guided by angels to paradise."
For so many years Vittorio was a friend and companion in all our efforts for a more just Church. As a lawyer, he saw very clearly where the Church violated its own canon law - and where canon law itself produced injustice and hard-heartedness, where the practice of Church leadership contradicted the Gospel mandate. Against this, Vittorio fought with vehemence, with clear analyses and sharp words.
His love for people materialized also in his social commitment. How often he told us about Chiesadituttichiesadeipoveri and about his participation in international congresses on the social situation of the world! We also felt this philanthropy through the kindness with which he treated us all! I have clearly in mind, as I write this, his smile.
Because of Corona, that darn Corona, we haven't seen each other in person for some time. But whenever he was present at our Zoom conferences, I had the impression that his life was becoming increasingly burdensome. All restrictions have stopped for him now.
Now the "triumvirate" of Noi siamo chiesa (Vittorio - Mauro - Basilio), so familiar to us, no longer exists, not in this form. That makes for sadness. In the last months we in Austria have lost two members of our board, Matthias and Helene, we can appreciate how big the gap must be for Noi siamo chiesa. On the other hand: Mauro spoke of "Vittorio's Easter" - and we believe in our own resurrection and in living on. Seen in this light, we can be sure that our community of people who care about the renewal of the Church, while experiencing losses here on earth, will continue to exist and grow larger in heaven....
We wave to you, Vittorio, and know that you continue to be with us!
By Martha and Gert Heizer