We Are Church Intl.


Anthony Padovano RIP

The We Are Church movement is the poorer for the loss of Anthony Padovano.  We each have our memories of him which serve to show what a treasure he was for us all.

Although Anthony had been involved in renewal and reformation of the Church for decades, we first met him in Rome in 1996 when eleven countries met to inaugurate the International Movement We Are Church, now known as We Are Church International. Both he and his colleague from the USA, Maureen Fiedler, gave us great encouragement and strength to 'put out into the deep'. Alongside this they brought connection with the many and varied reform organisations in the USA and Canada.

Anthony flew in for our bienniel meetings and made a deep impression on all of us with his theologial acumen and razor sharp mind that could accurately sum up our discussions and give us ideas to pursue. He was also delightful company with a ready smile, warm welcome and a listening ear.

In 1998 two of us from We Are Church joined Anthony and Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC), now Catholics for Choice (CFC), and an NGO at the United Nations for the five yearly review of the UN Conference on Population and Development,  A year later we were in Mexico City joining CFFC for a planning meeting.  Anthony's theological knowledge surrounding the issue of reproductive rights was impressive as well as his deep compassion for the position of women and children in society and the Church

We Are Church was invited to send representatives to the Call To Action conferences in the USA, and a number of us were in Detroit in 2011 for the American Catholic Council where Anthony shared his wisdom in an enthralling keynote address.

In 2013, We Are Church representatives who were also involved in the International Movement for a Renewed Catholic Ministry (IFRCM) enjoyed the hospitality of Corpus USA and the university in Mahwah, New Jersey, where Anthony was an Emeritus Professor.  We were privileged to celebrate Mass with him in the Padovano Peace Pavilion on the campus

We Are Church last saw Anthony at their biennial conference in 2016 in Rome.

His health and mobility deteriorated in 2017, but he insisted on flying into London for the General Council of IFRCM where he was hosted by members of We Are Church.  They joined the Movement for a Married Clergy (MMaC) for their Study Day at St Ethelrede's in London.  He had a fall on his last evening and received emergency hospital treatment.  When we parted and he flew back to the USA we knew sadly we would probably not see him again

Anthony, all our lives have been richer for meeting and knowing you.  You have given a lifetime of service to the People of God, in the ordained ministry, academia, as an author, family man and friend.  You experienced the cruelty of the institution, survived it and have gone on to inspire and lead thousands in seeking a healthy, inclusive, welcoming and joyful Church

May you rest in peace and rise to glory.

by Valerie J Stroud, on behalf of We Are Church International