We Are Church Intl.

Voices from 6 Continents call for Equality for Women and Small Christian Communities


We Are Church International held a Press Conference today with 6 speakers from 6 continents calling for reforms at the October 2024 Synod.

  • We Are Church International calls on the Synod participants to formulate strong proposals for
    the full equality of women
  • to allow local churches the freedom to reform

Synodality will only be credible if it leads to real reforms in 2025.

Here are key quotations from our 6 participants:

AFRICA: Prof. Philomena Mwaura: “What I consider important for the Church in Africa is the theological formation of the laity and leaders of Small Christian Communities not just on Synodality but in all aspects of their faith.”

AUSTRALIA: Kevin Liston: “On one view, the Synod marks a significant move forward in church thinking and planning for the future. On an alternative view, the Synod misses numerous opportunities for updating it’s position, agenda and practices on many matters of concern to Catholics around the world. The question now is: ‘Will the Synod generate the impetus and energy required to restore integrity and credibility to the church and reinstate the vision and values of Jesus as an inspiring lifestyle in the modern world?’”

NORTH AMERICA: Kate McElwee: “While many have attempted to silence the conversation on women’s ordination, dismiss our work as ‘lobbying,’ or relegate the global discernment into the shadows of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, we are determined to be visible, creative, and bold. There is just too much at stake.”

SOUTH AMERICA: Dr. Lula Ramires: "Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” ― Augustine of Hippo

ASIA: Virginia Saldanha: “Since the topic of women's inclusion has been removed from the table and given to a Commission for the 3rd time I think - Women have little or no hope.
The Jesus model of Church includes everyone, is neighbourhood & community based, with leaders chosen by the people, patterned on the Early Christian Community. This was the model of Church proposed by the Asian Bishops in 1991.”

EUROPE: Martin Schockenhoff: “The most pressing concerns from the perspective of the European faithful are the admission of women to ministries and equality of laypeople in decision taking. If this does not happen soon, the Church in Europe will lose credibility and members.”

Colm Holmes, Chair We are Church International
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Dr Martha Heizer, Vice-Chair We are Church International
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: +43 650 4168500