Critical remarks and related
„Many responses treat ‚the
subject of women in society and the Church‘, noting the real progress which
has taken place in various ecclesial communities, very meaningful and courageous
in some, less advanced and modest in others, in correcting misconceptions
and promoting the equal dignity of women, the idea of equal rights and
duties of men and women in the various sectors of family and social life,
and the specific contribution of the Church's women in her life and evangelising
activity. It is to be readily admitted, however, that, in some particular
Churches, there is still much to be done in this regard.“ (IL, 48)
This is all there is in the
46 pages of Instrumentum Laboris for the European Bishops Synod in relation
to the theme ‘woman’. In any case, it can hardly be expected that the bishops
present in Rome will occupy themselves with actual equalisation of women
in the Roman Catholic Church. That is why our voices are needed,
and we invite men and women to express their opinions in order that this
synod does not stick to the usual glib pronouncements about women in church
and society.
Please send your comments,
additions, and criticism to
1. “… the subject of women
in society and the Church” - It sounds remarkable that bishops –
finally – seem to gather up courage, when nowadays the equality of women
in politics and society is taken for granted for all laws and regulations.
In particular, a community of faith which preaches a God of Compassion
especially directed to the afflicted, the children and the poor, and which
rightly expects this same attitude from Christian men and women, ought
then to be the forerunner when it comes to equality of men and women, instead
of reluctantly dragging behind.
Therefore, Roman Catholic
women expect from the European Bishops Synod clear statements on what is
self-evident nowadays in respect of ethnic and social groups: that being
of female gender is no hindrance for belonging completely to Christ, to
be one with Him, and that women also are “Heirs According To The Promise”.
(See Gal 3, 26-29).
2. “ … in correcting misconceptions”
- An (almost) impossible undertaking as long as men, by virtue of
their office, are the only ones who define women’s dignity, being and mission,
and as a consequence make them objects of spiritual care, to whom can be
dictated “what’s good for her”.
Therefore, Roman Catholic
women expect from the European Bishops Synod a clear renunciation of all
talk about women and definitions of her being and her dignity, as long
as women themselves are not able to broach the subject of what moves them,
and as long as they are being forbidden to speak of their manifold vocations
and live thereby.
3. “…the specific contribution
of the Church’s women in her life and evangelising activity” - Church practice
is to a considerable extent practice of women. Nowadays women are active
in all working spheres of the Roman Catholic Church and they have their
own responsibilities. They are engaged, both on a voluntary and a salaried
basis, in functions that nobody would have entrusted to them in former
years. They are theologically developed and are predestined to embody goodness,
love, salvation, and mercy – directed to human beings according to God’s
Therefore, Roman Catholic
women expect from the European Bishops Synod a definite surrender of the
traditional attitude, which is to reduce women to their role as mothers,
and to entrust them only with responsible tasks concerning life and evangelisation
within the confines of the family.
4. “… It is to be readily admitted
that in some particular Churches there is still much to be done in this
regard” - This honest confession requires to be followed at long
last by concrete acts. After all, it concerns mainly the Roman Catholic
Church. Sister churches have preceded us on this road and have shown how
enriching it can be when men and women work together in God’s image and
experience, and unfold and expose this encompassing humanity also in the
Therefore, Roman Catholic
women expect from the European Bishops Synod with regard to Ecumenism,
not only a one-sided orientation towards the orthodox churches and consideration
with their sensitivities regarding the women’s issue (considering that
rules of these churches regarding divorced and remarried people and married
priests is not taken as a yardstick). The practice of other churches e.g.
to ordain women and confirm them in their office, ought to carry the same
weight as the rejection of this by the orthodox churches. Only when
women have the same possibilities as men to follow God’s call, will it
become visible and tangible that all are One in Jesus Christ; that there
is no East and West, no slave and free man, no man and woman but fullness
of life – people who as man and woman are called to be humans in the image
of God.
5. “…It is my fervent hope that
Mary, who together with the disciples, was present at the Last Supper,
will lead these final preparations, and will support the Synod’s participants
in their deliberations” - This sentence from the prologue of Instrumentum
Laboris, written by Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, fills one with astonishment.
Up to now one of the motivations of the Vatican for excluding women from
the priesthood was the reference to Mary not having been present
at the Last Supper.
Therefore, Roman Catholic
women expect from the European Bishops Synod that Mary is rediscovered
as the woman from the New Testament who seeks her way in the faith, has
a profound realisation, a limited comprehension, but keeps on striving
for enlightenment. And women expect that female images of God and
women from the Old and New Testament, will govern the life of the church
as much as biblical men and male speech from God. 2000 years should be
long enough for women to have been pushed aside and ignored, in spite of
their real contribution to the history of salvation between God and His