International Movement
We Are Church / European Network




30 June 1999

Issue Number 2

Dear friends,

Following the start of the preparatory process for our "FORUM OF EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS - FEC" in Rome and a number of international consultations, we can now begin the second phase of the project.

On 19/20 June last, the international preparatory team met in Innsbruck with representati-ves from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands and South Tyrol. Decisions were made on the venue and date of the FEC gathering, and a programme was also drafted on the basis of the various proposals submitted.

Purpose of the Forum of European Christian - FEC

1. To follow with critical minds the proceedings of the Bishops Synod for Europe which will be held in the Vatican from 1-23 October 1999.
2. To meet for three days (from Thursday 7 up to and including Saturday 9, October 1999) in order to openly express our feelings of joy and hope, of sorry and anxiety, from the point of view of the prevailing situation in the church in Europe today.
3. To prepare an analysis of this situation, with the help of the social sciences, to be able to distribute as a contribution from members of the People of God to the community of faith as a whole in Europe, to the bishops attending the Synod in Rome, to European democratic institutions, and to the media.


The consultations which took place in the first phase, enabled agreement to be reached on the three main thematic clusters which will determine our on-going endeavours.
1. Church structures, arising from within the community
 Such as those stressed during synods of the young churches, and particularly those of Asia and Oceania, namely that the development of the principles of collegiality and subsidiarity is an urgent priority. This synodal model of the church - more according to the gospel and the early church, and more in harmony with our Christian sister-churches - will lead to new forms of participation by the faithful in the decision-making process (consensus fidelium), and also to new forms of leadership. The church will thus become a community of communities.
2. The position of women in both church and society in Europe
   The recent Austrian pastoral ‘flock’ letter on this issue, will serve as the basis for this thematic subject. An initial text will soon be available on internet. This website will shortly be established, and as soon as translations in other languages are availa-ble, they too will find their way to the website.
3. Conflicts and reconciliation in Europe, migrations and inter-religious dialogue
 The principles of subsidiarity and collegiality must not be allowed to be confined to inner-church structures alone, but must also determine the relationships between the Christian churches themselves and the cooperative efforts being made with other faith communities currently active in Europe - all this in the interests of building a Europe with a more human face. In this respect too, we shall draw on the documents presented during the European Ecumenical Assembly held in Graz in 1997, and on the Konrad Raiser project for a world-wide Christian preparation for a Universal Ecumenical Council. We gladly invite representatives of other religions to join us in this process.

Preparatory phase working method

From roughly 1st August, a draft STATEMENT will be available on the internet (, as also by post, to individuals and groups wishing to receive it - it will constitute our contribution to the deliberations for the European Episcopate Synod in Rome. All comments and suggestions arising from its publication will be extremely welcome (no later than 15 August 1999). A second version of the STATEMENT will be formulated on the basis of this contributi-on, which will again be made public via the internet (around 15 September). The statement will be voted on during the course of the Forum of European Christians - FEC in Rome, after we will ask Cardinal Schotte to pass it on to the bishops conference.

In addition to preparing this statement, our work will start on the three THEMES which are right now explained on the above website. It is extremely important that as many people as possible participate in this effort. Everyone is hereby invited to collect or write (short) texts reflecting opinions surrounding one or more of the three thematic clusters mentioned above. These texts should reach the secretari-ate as soon as possible, preferably formulated in one or more of the official languages, and no later than 15 August 1999.

Working languages

The working languages will be English, German and French. If there are a sufficient number of Spanish-speaking delegates, then this language too will be added to the list. Contributions in Italian and Portuguese can also be submitted but, if possible, should also be accompanied by a translation in one of the working languages.
The translation costs will put great pressure on the FEC’s finances, so that we will have to limit ourselves to three languages, or to four at the most.


A grant application has been submitted to the European Commission. We expect a definite reply to our request by the middle of July. If the grant is given, then accurate records of all our expenses will have to be maintained. Bills for all expenses incurred on behalf of the FEC (travel, correspondence, telephone etc.), must be carefully filed.
If the grant application is not successful, the costs will have to be shared by the partici-pants on the basis of each group's financial capacities.
The costs attached to participation in the FEC (7/9 Oct. 1999) will amount to approxi-mately 150 Euros per person (including full board and lodging, plus conference fee). For those wishing to attend the IMWAC Assembly (Sunday, 10 October 1999), participation costs will amount to approx. 200 Euros per person.

Meeting venue and accommodation

The Forum of European Christians - FEC, will take place in the Baptist Evangelical Centre, Villaggio della Gioventù, in Santa Severa, in front of the beach, some 50 km from Rome. We will be able to accommodate 100 people there (in rooms with 2, 4 or 6 beds). Those requiring single room accommodation can be booked in the hotel next to the Centre (comparable tariffs).

With friendly regards

For the Preparatory Group of FEC
Forum of European Christians (IMWAC - EN)

Luigi de Paoli                   Elfriede Harth             Isaac Wüst     
Fax: +39-06-56470668             Fax: +33-1-39490244        Fax: +31-20-645 9868

Isaac Wüst
Erasmuslaan 92
     The Nether-lands

R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M

(Registrations will be processed in order of receipt – to be send to the Secretariat)

I wish to register with ........ Persons for the FEC in Rome:

Name: ................................................... Address: ...........................................................…………………………

Phone: ............................   Fax: ........………….............. E-mail: .................................................

Arrival: …......................  Departure: …..…….........Accommodation requirements: .........................

Registration fee enclosed: 
Euro cheque (NOT CROSSED payable to the order of: <Kerk Hardop iz. IMWAC>) in Dutch guilders to the amount of NLG .................... (25 % of the total costs, the remaining sum to be paid in Rome).

Place/Date: ................................................             Signature: ......................................................

It is also possible to arrange payment via Bank transfer: Rabobank The Netherlands, Account 3518.31.797. 
NOTE : International bank transfers are expensive - you are recommended, therefore, to limit such transactions to one per country, rather than one per person, registering on behalf of the group.


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Webpage Editor: Ingrid H. Shafer, Ph.D.
  e-mail address: or
Posted 5 July 1999
Last revised 5 July 1999
Copyright © 1998 Ingrid H. Shafer